Slingshot Labs Meet Zobele

It has been an exciting couple of weeks for us over here at SLINGSHOT LABS.

Following a number of team building exercises, where we have learned about each other’s backgrounds, styles, skills and weaknesses-  we have worked hard cementing what the Slingshot Brand means to us. As you will see in our about section, we come from backgrounds in Design, Engineering, Medicine and even Television Production, hailing from Guatemala, London, Los Angels and Saudi Arabia. This incredible mix of disciplines and walks of life we feel gives a very rounded outlook on projects taking every brief with a mixture of artistic and scientific approaches, capturing what it means to be a true Design Thinking agency.

We received our first client brief this week after choosing to work with the Innovative Company Zobele.  With more than 4,000 employees, 6 industrial sites, 4 development centres and 2 innovation hubs in 8 countries, the Zobele Group is a world player in the field of product development, specialising in air care and pest control.

This week we met at Zobele Barcelona Innovation Hub, here we were able to present the SLINGSHOT LABS team to the company, as well as meet their Innovation, Planner and Designer, Design Manager and Technical Lead to hear how Zobele remains a key player in Innovation.


We learned about the Zobele innovation process taking products from the research to prototyping and eventually production stages. We were able to visit their lab where they prototype and experiment with everything from scents to packaging.

Zoblele have given us an exciting brief for us to get our brains ticking over!

‘Define a device solution which is able to fulfil the users needs of personal olfactory experience. Leverage the information captured through connected devices to tailor olfactory experiences that are relevant to the users lifestyle and home environment’.

We then spent the next week researching, gathering information on user wants and needs  and challenging and defining the given brief- thus undertaking the first step of the design thinking process-

design thinking proces_understands

We look forward to the challenge ahead…so watch this space!

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